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Thursday 2 April 2015



Στιχηρά αίνων,Ανάστασις καί Ζωή..'ηχοι α΄,δ΄,πλ.δ΄

From  Lazarus Saturday Matins,
Lauds, Resurrection and the Life..Modes 1,4, Plagal.4.
Chanted By "George Bilalis,Konstantinos Bilalis"

 Text in English:
 Verse:To fulfill among them the written judg‐
ment: this glory have all His holy ones.

O Christ, as You are the resur‐
rection and the life of mankind, You
came to the tomb of Lazarus, and dem‐
onstrated for us both of Your essences,
O longsuffering One; for from the pure
Virgin You have come indeed as both
God and man. As a mortal You in‐
quired where he was buried, and as
God with Your life‐bearing summons
You resurrected him who had been
four days dead.

Verse:Praise God in His saints, praise Him in
the firmament of His power.

You resurrected Lazarus from Ha‐
des after he was dead for four days, O
Christ, thus before Your own death
confounding the dominion of death,
and by means of one whom You loved
foretokening the liberation of all man‐
kind from corruption. Therefore ador‐
ing Your omnipotent authority we cry
cry out:Blessed are You,O Saviour
Have mercy on us.

Verse:Praise Him for His mighty acts, praise
Him according to the abundance of His great‐

Martha and Mary unto the Savior
said: If You had been here, O Lord,
then Lazarus would not have died.
Then Christ, the Resurrection of those
who in death have slumbered, resur‐
rected from the dead the man already
four days dead. Therefore, O believers
all, come let us adore Him who is com‐
ing in glory to save our souls.

Verse:Praise Him with the sound of trumpet,
praise Him with the harp and lyre.

To Your disciples, O Christ, You
granted the tokens of Your Divinity;
but You humbled yourself among the
crowds, Your intention being to con‐
ceal it from them. Therefore as the
Foreknower of all things and as God,
You predicted to Your Apostles the
death of Lazarus. In the presence of the
people in Bethany, as though You did
not know, as man, You sought to learn
the place of Your friend's burial. But
when he, who had been four days
dead, was resurrected by You, he made
Your divine power manifest. O Almighty
One,Glory to You,O Lord.

Verse:Praise Him with timbrel and dance, praise
Him with strings and flute.

You raised Your friend who was
four days dead, O Christ, and brought
an end to the lament of Martha and
Mary, and thus You demonstrated to
all that You are the one who fills all
things by Your divine dominion, by
Your own free will. The Cherubim cry
out to You unceasingly: Hosanna in the
highest. Blessed are You who are God
above all. Glory to You.

Verse:Praise Him with resounding cymbals,
praise Him with triumphant cymbals. Let eve‐
rything that breathes praise the Lord.

Martha cried aloud to Mary: "Come,
for the Teacher is here and is calling for
you." And she went quickly to the place
where her Lord was. And when she saw
You, she cried; she knelt; she wor‐
shipped. As she covered Your immacu‐
late feet with kisses, she said, "Lord, if
You had been here, our brother would
not have died."

Verse:Arise, O Lord God, let Your hand be lifted
high; and do not forget Your poor.

Four days after he had died You
raised up Lazarus in Bethany. As soon
as You came to the tomb, Your voice
became life to the dead man; and Ha‐
des, groaning in fear, released him.
Great was the miracle! Very merciful
Lord, glory to You.

Verse:I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with my
whole heart; I will tell of all Your wondrous

O Lord, even as You said to Mar‐
tha: I am the Resurrection; so You ful‐
filled Your word in action by calling
back Lazarus from Hades. Resurrect
me, also, for I am dead through pas‐
sions. I beseech You, compassionate
One who love mankind.
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