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Friday, 12 February 2016
Tom Manakis

Tears of Love for Repentance..

The following story was extracted and translated from a small booklet that was published in 1997, by the Kykkos Monastery in Cyprus, on account of the miraculous shedding of tears, from one of the icons of the Virgin Mary.

We read in the “Leimonarion Antheon”, of a very devout priest confessor, who led such a pure and godly life that he was deemed worthy of many visions of angels. Finally, at the end of his earthly life, he fell into ecstasy and saw the following marvelous vision, which we provide here so that we always remember.

“In spirit and in a vision,” says the above priest, “I saw our Lord Jesus Christ, seated in a glorious Throne and at his right hand was his most-exalted mother. At that moment, the Heavenly army charged a very powerful Angel to blow the terrible trumpet that he was holding, which was so huge and made such a thundering sound, that it seemed to me that the whole World was shaking like the leaf by the wind. Not long after that, and the Lord made a signal to the Angel to blow the trumpet for a second time, which he hastened to carry out immediately. After the trumpeting, His immaculate Mother, knowing that after the third trumpet the end of the World would follow, rose from her throne and along with her, in deep silence and piety, all the Saints. Then, falling at the feet of the just Judge, she began entreating Him, for the sake of His immeasurable compassion, to delay the end of the World so that the sinners, who so much embittered Him and stirred up His wrath, might be allowed to weep for their sins. To these words the Lord would say, “O my dearest Mother, you see how many shameful acts this ungrateful World has worked, and is still working!” And then the Queen of Heaven would intensify her supplication saying, “O my sweet Child, listen to me for the sake of your abundant mercies and for the sake of your immaculate sufferings that you endured for the salvation of sinners”. In response Christ said, “You know, O Mother, that many times with your supplications and tears you extinguished my just wrath, however, people have not ceased from their evils and wickedness, but rather they have become even worse, despising my Cross and Sufferings. The leaders and ministers shamelessly tyrannize their citizens and defile my divine laws. Likewise, the people completely abandoned my commandments, carrying out their fleshly desires, fornications, murders, injustices and other shameful and deadly transgressions.” To these the Queen replied, “Indeed, most merciful Lord, listen to me and satisfy my request, not because of them, for they are unworthy of any mercy and forgiveness, but for my sake and that of the Saints, who shed their blood and gave themselves up to numerous tortures and despised the pleasures of the World, to gain your Love. So, hear my entreaty, O benevolent Lord.”

Then, all the Saints along with the Mother of God, worshiped the Lord pleading to show mercy. Yielding to their plead, the Lord, with a gentle face replied, “You won, O my Mother with your compassion and quenched my wrath. Let it be, as you will. And you, my brothers and friends, you turned my rage to mercy. I will send again teachers and preachers to correct the sinners.” Thus said the Lord, and the vision ended.

When the priest confessor came to himself, related all this to the other brothers of the monastery, and to prove that the vision was from God, he told each one secretly, their transgressions as the Lord had revealed them to him for their benefit. Thus saying, that Holy man gave up his spirit to the hands of God.

Come Brothers and Fathers, you who read and hear these things, come let us weep for our sins. Let us lament briefly now, so that we do not grieve eternally, later. Let us work diligently for our salvation, for we know not when death will come to take us. Let us not just read the scriptures and listen to the divine words, but show no improvement for we gain nothing. Only those who practice the commandments will be saved. The doctor implores for our salvation and we slumber? He comes to us out of mercy, requiring no payment to heal us, and we despise such benevolence? O, how insensitive and foolish we are! The all-pure Queen unceasingly intercedes for us, and we show no gratitude? Let us raise from the pit of sin my brethren and let us give thanks to the most-pure Virgin for the innumerable gifts that she bestows to us daily. Yes, O good and loving Mother, we thank, magnify and glorify you.

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Item Reviewed: Tears of Love for Repentance.. Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Tom Manakis